#11 Civics


    Saying that it is your civic duty to do something means that it's your duty as a citizen to do what you can to help improve your community and country. Civics is something that is taught daily and the goal is to inform people about the importance of your civic duty. 

    In this case, Tony Blair is trying to encourage people to get their covid vaccine by saying that it is their civic duty to do so. He informed us that there are around 165,000 booster vaccine shots given in a day but he wants this number increased to 500,000 a day. Blair thinks that the government needs to increase the availability of the booster so that he can reach the goal he is trying to achieve. 

    Blair believes that you shouldn't have to be invited to come get your booster shot but instead, if it has been six months since you've had your second shot then you should be able to receive your booster. He uses Italy as an example of the country that has had most of their people fully vaccinated and they are seeing great results in the number of covid cases. Italy had most of their country fully vaccinated after the second shot and then they experienced a rise in cases. As soon as they got the booster shot out to people they got the cases back under control.

    Blair realizes that people depend on data and the science behind what they are about to put int heir body. He can see the impact that is making in our countries whereas others may not. He is trying to make a push to get as much information out to the public as he can about this booster shot. 

    He is trying to convince people saying "to get the vaccine is actually your civic duty". Anyone who cares about their civic duty and what they can do for our country many look at this and feel guilty if they don't get their vaccine. 

    In the UK they are making a big attempt to try and get kids 12-17 to get their vaccine. Currently they are about fifty-fifty with vaccinations in this age group. Kids between these ages aren't necessarily the ones getting deathly ill but they could very easily spread it without the vaccine. 

    It is your choice whether you think getting the vaccine is your civic duty or not. 


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